Stream of Consciousness: Grasshopper door knob hanging from a tree of gilded horseradish touchtone nino chewbacca running from a talking lamppost incredible incroyable tomato milk porcupine she-bear wondering why it keeps going-me too-tree sap marmalade juice box phenomenological reduction correlated 1000 metres spiraling sideways a fork a chalkboard a black box with nothing in it but how would you know because it's locked monkeys dancing on a raft mesmerizing promulgating hope is a delusion: no hand can grasp a wave or a shadow-that's voltaire (i don't particularly agree) forklift green samurai Massachusetts fun to sumersault.
A week has passed since my last post, so I thought I owed it to my many readers (Hi Mom...) to post something. That (see above) is what came to mind. Forgive me.
I went to a ceilidh the other day. It's a gaelic dance event at which people (many of them in kilts) dance in big groups in a number of different arrangements accompanied by Scottish fiddle music. It was fantastic! I've never considered myself an impassioned lover of dance, but that may have all changed.
Here are some pictures of beautiful Edinburgh:

...taken from Google Images.
The one on top shows my favorite street. It's g-reat.
Ross, you make me laugh. Miss you, friend. Hope all's well!
ReplyDeleteYou make me laugh too. And I miss you too. I hope all's well, I suppose.
ReplyDeleteCome back to me.
Thanks for the chuckles Ross. Hope Scotland's well and I'll send you an email about spring break this weekend (hopeful). Galen wants to go to Greece. I want to go to Morocco. Where do you want to go. Please pick another country so we can have a blast working this out.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say again that, despite how uncharacteristic of you it is, I am happy that you've acquiesced to the blogspot trend; I know that many people love reading about your passion for ceilidh, streams of consciousness, and colorful streets. But pleeeeease take some photos! Stealing is usually frowned upon.
ReplyDeleteross! in my public speaking class we had to do streams of consciousness exercises all the time & then usually exchange them with classmates. how fantastic.
ReplyDeleteross you're funny. and i'm following your every move. on the internet.
ReplyDeleteum, i wish that those pictures were yours not the man's (google's!). can we see any of you actually in a real photo? thanks.
ReplyDeleteRoss, That stream of consciousness writing reminds me of the late San Francisco poet Richard Brautigan. You'd like him. You know, having a psychiatrist father gives you license to live on the edge of madness. If you slip over, please come back. We all miss you. Love, Dad
ReplyDeleteI agree with KK, some photographic evidence of your journey's would be nice. I'm beginning to get the impression that you're locked in a small cupboard somewhere with internet access just pretending to be halfway across the world. (If thats the case send a coded message and I'll send the rescue team!)